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Shaping the Future of Wimberley Parks: 2024-2034 Master Plan


In the spring of 2023, the City of Wimberley took a significant step toward the future by hiring MHS Planning & Design to perform a comprehensive analysis of the city’s parks system. The goal was to create a ten-year roadmap that addresses the growing recreational needs of the community while preserving the area’s natural beauty and resources.

Public Engagement

The City of Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department prioritized public engagement throughout the planning process. The department connected with the community through two extensive surveys—one targeting residents of the 78676 zip code and another for visitors from outside the area. To ensure that all voices were heard, the city employed various promotional tools to encourage public participation. Over 3,000 flyers were distributed in local newspapers, and yard signs were posted throughout the community to raise awareness about the survey. Additional feedback was gathered via focus group meetings and pop-up events held in high-traffic locations like parks, restaurants, and stores. In total, the outreach efforts yielded 426 survey responses and valuable insights from focus groups, including specialized organizations such as environmental and sports groups. This broad engagement, combined with an inventory of existing parks and input from city staff, allowed for a comprehensive understanding of Wimberley’s recreational needs.

Survey Results

The survey primarily reflected input from local residents, with 86% of respondents residing in the 78676 zip code. Overall, 75% of respondents were satisfied with the quality of park and recreation opportunities, though satisfaction with the quantity was more divided—38% expressed dissatisfaction. Swimming was ranked as the most important activity but was also the area with the lowest satisfaction, highlighting a need for more aquatic recreation. Football, the least important activity, had the highest satisfaction, suggesting no further need for investment. Support for a bond to increase park funding was strong, with 88% expressing approval, though only residents can vote in such elections. 67% of respondents were willing to contribute $1 to $50 monthly for park improvements. Residents were most familiar with programs like Concert in the Park, Boo! Hole Halloween, and Star Party, while visitors favored events like Birds & Brew and guided nature hikes. Social media was the primary source of information, with 74% of respondents hearing about parks and programs through these platforms, and 70% of residents reported visiting Blue Hole Regional Park at least once a month.



As Wimberley continues to grow, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan outlines several key recommendations aimed at accommodating future demands while preserving the community’s unique charm. The plan emphasizes the importance of acquiring new parklands for both recreation and conservation purposes, alongside efforts to preserve existing natural areas. Protecting these spaces is vital not only for recreational use but also for mitigating flood hazards and conserving local wildlife. These improvements are aimed at maintaining Wimberley’s parks at high standards, meeting the needs of residents and visitors, and ensuring that the Parks System remains a cornerstone of community life.

Over the next decade, the city is set to focus on:

  • Enhancing and renovating current park facilities.
  • Acquiring additional properties.
  • Redeveloping Martha Knies Community Park.
  • Updating the Wimberley Community Center.
  • Conducting an Aquatic Feasibility Study to explore water-based recreational opportunities.

Key recommendations include:

  • Trails & Trail Connectivity: Constructing additional trails and improving connectivity across the Parks System.
  • Land Acquisition: Acquiring properties to ensure future recreational space and conserve natural resources.
  • Site Furniture: Installing amenities like shade structures, benches, and picnic tables.
  • Preservation & Conservation: Continuing efforts to protect existing parkland and natural resources.
  • Aquatic Recreation: Exploring opportunities for aquatic facilities and water access through an Aquatic Feasibility Study.
  • Signage: Developing cohesive standards for interpretive, informational, and wayfinding signage.
  • Play Equipment: Updating play equipment to provide diverse recreational opportunities for children.
  • Multi-Generational Center: Developing a center to serve various age groups.
  • Multi-Purpose Fields: Constructing fields to support various sports and recreational activities.
  • Public Art: Incorporating public art into parks to enhance the cultural landscape.

The City of Wimberley’s 2024-2034 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan isn’t just about meeting today’s needs—it’s about preparing for the future. As Wimberley and Central Texas experience continued growth, Wimberley must regularly update this Master Plan to reflect changes in the community. The plan’s vision is to enhance the quality of life for both residents and visitors by providing accessible, inclusive, and well-maintained parks and recreational facilities. Through strategic land acquisition, infrastructure updates, and a commitment to conservation, the parks system will continue to be a vital asset for Wimberley, fostering community engagement, outdoor recreation, and environmental stewardship for years to come.

View the plan here!

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